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Songs and Rhymes

On Yonder’s Hill

On Yonder’s Hill there is a brown house
in that brown house there is a white house
and in that white house there is a stream of milk

Can you tell me what is on Yonder Hill?

Answer: - A coconut.

Courtesy of Jack Loveland

Round the Rick

Round the rick
Round the rick
there I saw my Uncle Dick
I picked him up and drunk his blood
and left his body standing

What is it?

Answer: - A bottle of ale

Round is a Basin

Round is a basin
as deep as a cup
all the water in the sea will never fill it up

What is it?

Answer: - A sieve

Courtesy of Jack Loveland

Rhymes to say quickly out loud

The rook flew over the river with a bunch of raw liver
Satin was the sheet that sat by me

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